P-05-1008 Teach mental health first aid in schools in Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 10.11.20


I spoke with a couple of leading mental health charities as the petition gained traction and although they agreed with the idea of better education regarding mental health, they explained that as it is currently delivered mental health first aid may not be an appropriate way to do it. Added to that the response from the Education Minister and correspondence with MindCymru have reassured me that the correct steps are being taken to tackle the mental health crisis. With all this in mind my petition on the whole may not be appropriate anymore, but I would still like to emphasise how important I believe it to be that the Senedd commit to prioritising tackling the mental health crisis, which will have been significantly aggravated due to the pandemic and subsequent necessary lockdowns. Thanks to those in the committee for considering my petition and the hard work that is currently being put in to tackle the mental health crisis in Wales. I have seen first-hand the catastrophic consequences mental health struggles have due to a young man named xxxxxx sadly taking his life earlier in the year in my local community, whilst I didn't personally know xxcxxx, I have a lot of mutual friends with him and the impact on them and the wider community has been heart-breaking. Thanks again for considering my petition.


Kind regards,